Participants are required the following:


  • Wear suitable warm clothes, preferably made of non- or minimum rustling fabric. As it is highly likely to get really cold in the deep of the forest, so we kindly ask you to take some extra clothing just in case.
  • Please, do not use any perfumed cosmetics on the day of the tour. Animals have a great sense of smell and will consequently notice your presence and hide. Smoking during the viewing is forbidden for the same reason.
  • You are also required to stay still and keep quiet during the viewing.
  • Camera flashes are not allowed in order not to upset the animals.
  • Serving alcoholic drinks in the time of bear watching activity is prohibited. Individuals will not be allowed to participate in any of the mentioned activities if under the influence of alcohol or any prohibited substances.
  • Please, do not abandon the guide and group during the watching activity or hiking through the forest.


We provide:


  • Your guide will provide written material (maps, brochures, etc.) for you to learn in advance about the location and experience you are about to have.
  • Guests are given information about the biology, ecology and behaviour of the bear as well as the other local wild animals and their habituation to humans.
  • Your guide will explain how you should behave in the forest and at the observatory in order not to upset the animals.
  • Your guide will make the experience even more interesting by giving you some geographic facts about the landscape and show you around the countryside, as well as explain the whole concept of hunting and hunters’ duties.
  • He/she will take care of your safety and make the tour an unforgettable experience of your life.